

Deploying the full application requires cloud backing services from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Provisioning these services may be done manually of course, but can also be done automatically through the use of OCI Service Broker. You are encouraged to explore each approach.

In all cases, begin by adding tenancy credentials to manage and connect services from within the cluster. Create a secret containing these values:

kubectl create secret generic oci-credentials \
  --namespace mushop \
  --from-literal=tenancy=<TENANCY_OCID> \
  --from-literal=user=<USER_OCID> \
  --from-literal=region=<USER_OCI_REGION> \
  --from-literal=fingerprint=<PUBLIC_API_KEY_FINGERPRINT> \
  --from-literal=passphrase=<PRIVATE_API_KEY_PASSPHRASE> \

NOTE: The passphrase entry is required. If you do not have passphrase for your key, just leave empty.

Manual Automated
Provides steps for provisioning and connecting cloud services to the application Uses OCI Service Broker to provision and connect the Autonomous Transaction Processing database
  • Follow the steps outlined below to provision and configure the cluster with cloud service connection details.

    ATP Database

    1. Provision an Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) database. The default options will work well, as will an Always Free shape if available. Once RUNNING download the DB Connection Wallet and configure secrets as follows:

      • Create oadb-admin secret containing the database administrator password. Used once for schema initializations.

        kubectl create secret generic oadb-admin \
          --namespace mushop \
      • Create oadb-wallet secret with the Wallet contents using the downloaded Wallet_*.zip. The extracted Wallet_* directory is specified as the secret file path. Each file will become a key name in the secret data.

        kubectl create secret generic oadb-wallet \
          --namespace mushop \
      • Create oadb-connection secret with the Wallet password and the service TNS name to use for connections.

        kubectl create secret generic oadb-connection \
          --namespace mushop \
          --from-literal=oadb_wallet_pw='<DB_WALLET_PASSWORD>' \

        Each database has 5 unique TNS Names displayed when the Wallet is downloaded. For a database named mushopdb an example would be mushopdb_TP.

    2. Optional: Instead of creating a shared database for the entire application, you may establish full separation of services by provisioning individual ATP instances for each service that requires a database. To do so, repeat the previous steps for each database,and give each secret a unique name, for example: carts-oadb-admin, carts-oadb-connection, carts-oadb-wallet.

      • carts
      • catalogue
      • orders
      • user

    Streaming Service

    1. Provision a Streaming instance from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, and make note of the created Stream OCID value. Then create an oss-connection secret containing the Stream connection details.

      kubectl create secret generic oss-connection \
        --namespace mushop \
        --from-literal=streamId='<STREAM_OCID>' \

    Object Storage

    1. Optional: Provision a Public Object Storage Bucket, and create a Pre-Authenticated Request for the bucket. With the information, create a secret called oos-bucket as follows:

      kubectl create secret generic oos-bucket \
        --namespace mushop \
        --from-literal=region=<BUCKET_REGION> \
        --from-literal=name=<BUCKET_NAME> \
        --from-literal=namespace=<OBJECT_STORAGE_NAMESPACE> \

      Object Storage Namespace may be found with the CLI oci os ns get or from the tenancy information page


    1. Verify the secrets are created and available in the mushop namespace:

      kubectl get secret --namespace mushop
      NAME              TYPE      DATA   AGE
      oadb-admin        Opaque    1      3m
      oadb-connection   Opaque    2      3m
      oadb-wallet       Opaque    7      3m
      oci-credentials   Opaque    6      3m
      oos-bucket        Opaque    4      3m
      oss-connection    Opaque    2      3m
  • As an alternative to manually provisioning, the included provision chart is an application of the open-source OCI Service Broker for provisioning Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. This implementation utilizes Open Service Broker in Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes or in other Kubernetes clusters.

    cd deploy/complete/helm-chart
    dir deploy/complete/helm-chart
    1. The Service Broker for Kubernetes requires access credentials to provision and manage services from within the cluster. Create a secret containing these values as described above. Alternatively, copy the oci-credentials secret to the mushop-utilities namespace:

      kubectl get secret oci-credentials \
        --namespace=mushop \
        --export \
        -o yaml | kubectl apply \
        --namespace=mushop-utilities -f -
    2. Deploy the OCI service broker on your cluster. This is done with the Oracle OCI Service Broker helm chart:

      helm install \ \
        --namespace mushop-utilities \
        --name oci-broker \
        --set ociCredentials.secretName=oci-credentials \
        --set storage.etcd.useEmbedded=true \
        --set tls.enabled=false
      helm install oci-broker \ \
        --namespace mushop-utilities \
        --set ociCredentials.secretName=oci-credentials \
        --set storage.etcd.useEmbedded=true \
        --set tls.enabled=false

      The above command will deploy the OCI Service Broker using an embedded etcd instance. It is not recommended to deploy the OCI Service Broker using an embedded etcd instance and tls disabled in production environments, instead a separate etcd cluster should be setup and used by the OCI Service Broker.

      Note: For the mushop helm deployment, the OCI Service Broker MUST be installed on the same namespace used by the setup chart. For convenience, the documentation commands defaults both the setup and OCI Service Broker charts to use the mushop-utilities namespace.

    3. Next utilize the OCI Service Broker implementation to provision services by installing the included provision chart:

      helm install provision \
        --namespace mushop \
        --name mushop-provision \
        --set global.osb.compartmentId=<COMPARTMENT_ID> \
        --set global.osb.objectstoragenamespace=<OBJECT_STORAGE_NAMESPACE>
      helm install mushop-provision provision \
        --namespace mushop \
        --set global.osb.compartmentId=<COMPARTMENT_ID> \
        --set global.osb.objectstoragenamespace=<OBJECT_STORAGE_NAMESPACE>

      Object Storage Namespace may be found with the CLI oci os ns get or from the tenancy information page

    4. It will take a few minutes for the services database to provision, and the respective bindings to become available. Verify serviceinstances and servicebindings are READY:

      kubectl get serviceinstances -A
      NAME                   CLASS                                      PLAN       STATUS   AGE
      mushop-atp             ClusterServiceClass/atp-service            standard   Ready    1d
      mushop-objectstorage   ClusterServiceClass/object-store-service   standard   Ready    1d
      mushop-oss             ClusterServiceClass/oss-service            standard   Ready    1d
      kubectl get servicebindings -A
      NAME                         SERVICE-INSTANCE       SECRET-NAME                  STATUS   AGE
      mushop-bucket-par-binding    mushop-objectstorage   mushop-bucket-par-binding    Ready    1d
      mushop-oadb-wallet-binding   mushop-atp             mushop-oadb-wallet-binding   Ready    1d
      mushop-oss-binding           mushop-oss             mushop-oss-binding           Ready    1d

API Gateway, OCI Functions and Email Delivery

Note that this is OPTIONAL. If you don’t want to configure Email Delivery and deploy a function with API Gateway, skip to the deployment section.

Configure Email Delivery

If you are planning to use the API gateway and Oracle Functions, to send emails using OCI Email Delivery you need to configure an approved sender first.

  1. From the OCI console, click Email Delivery -> Email Approved Sender
  2. Click the Create Approved Sender
  3. Enter the email address, for example:
  4. Click Create Approved Sender

Note: if you have your own domain, you can enter a different address (e.g.mushop@[]) and also configure SPF record for the sender. This involves adding a DNS record to your domain. You can follow these instructions to set up SPF.

Next, you need to generate the SMTP credentials that will allow you to log in to the SMTP server and send the email. Follow the Generate SMTP Credentails for a User to get the SMTP host, port, username and password.

The SMTP credentails (host, port, username and password) and the approved sender email address (e.g. will be provided to the function as configuration values later, so make sure you save these values somewhere.

Configure function application

Each function needs to live inside of an application. You can create a new application either through the console, API or the Fn CLI. An application has a name (e.g. mushop-app) and the VCN and a subnet in which to run the functions. The one guideline here is to pick the subnets that are in the same region as the Docker registry you specified in your context YAML earlier - check these docs for more information.

The first step you need to do is to ensure your tenancy is configured for function development. You can follow the Configuring Your Tenancy for Function Development documentation.

As a next step you will need to install the Fn CLI. If on a Mac and you’re using Brew, you can run:

brew install fn

Finally, you will need configure the Fn CLI - you can follow these instructions that will guide you through creating a context file and configuring it with an image registry.

To create an application using Fn CLI, run:

 fn create app [APP_NAME] --annotation'["ocid1.subnet.oc1.iad...."]'

Note: make sure you replace APP_NAME and the ocid1.subnet with actual values

Deploy and configure the function

To deploy a function to an app, you can run the following command within the function folder (/src/functions/newsletter-subscription):

fn deploy --app [APP_NAME]

Note: use fn -v deploy --app [APP_NAME] to get verbose output in case you’re running into issues.

In the remainder of the document, we will use mushop-app for the application name.

You need to provide additional configuration (SMTP credentails) for the function to work properly and be able to send emails.

Once you’ve successfully deployed the function, you can use the Fn CLI to add configuration values (note that you can also do the same through the Console UI).

Run the following commands to configure SMTP settings and the approved sender (replace the values):

fn config function mushop-app newsletter-subscription SMTP_USER <smtp_username>
fn config function mushop-app newsletter-subscription SMTP_PASSWORD <smtp_password>
fn config function mushop-app newsletter-subscription SMTP_HOST <smtp_host>
fn config function mushop-app newsletter-subscription SMTP_PORT <smtp_port>
fn config function mushop-app newsletter-subscription APPROVED_SENDER_EMAIL <approved_sender_email>

Creating an API gateway

You will be using an API Gateway to access the functions. To prepare your tenancy for using the gateway, check the Preparing for API Gateway documentation.

The quickest way to create a gateway is through the OCI console:

  1. Click Developer Services -> API Gateway from the sidebar on the left
  2. Click the Create Gateway button
  3. Enter the following values (you can use a different name if you’d like):
    • Name: mushop-gateway
    • Type: Public
    • Virtual Cloud Network: Pick one from the dropdown
    • Subnet: Pick the subnet from the dropdown
  4. Click Create
  5. When gateway is created, click the Deployments link from the sidebar on the left
  6. Under the Deployments, click the Create Deployment button
  7. Make sure From Scratch option is selected at the top and enter the following values (you can leave the other values as they are - i.e. no need to enable CORS, Authentication or Rate Limiting):
    • Name: newsletter-subscription
    • Path prefix: /newsletter
    • Compartment: < Pick your compartment >
    • Execution log: Enabled
    • Log level: Error
  8. Click Next to define the route
  9. Enter the following values for Route 1:
    • Path: /subscribe
    • Methods: POST
    • Type: Oracle Functions
    • Application: mushop-app (or other, if you used a different name)
    • Function name: newsletter-subscription
  10. Click the Show Route Logging Policies link and enable Execution Log
  11. Click Next and review the deployment
  12. Click Create to create the gateway deployment

When deployment completes, navigate to it to get the URL for the gateway. Click the Show link next to the Endpoint label to reveal the full URL for the deployment. It should look like this:

You will use this URL in values-dev.yaml when creating the deployment.


Having completed the provisioning steps above, the mushop deployment helm chart is installed using settings to leverage cloud backing services.


  1. Make a copy of the values-dev.yaml file and store somewhere on your machine as myvalues.yaml. Then complete the missing values (e.g. secret names) like the following:

      ociAuthSecret: oci-credentials        # OCI authentication credentials secret
      ossStreamSecret: oss-connection       # Name of Stream connection secret
      oadbAdminSecret: oadb-admin           # Name of DB Admin secret
      oadbWalletSecret: oadb-wallet         # Name of Wallet secret
      oadbConnectionSecret: oadb-connection # Name of DB Connection secret
      oosBucketSecret: oos-bucket           # Object storage bucket secret name (optional)

    NOTE: If it’s desired to connect a separate databases for a given service, you can specify values specific for each service, such as carts.oadbAdminSecret, carts.oadbWalletSecret

    Database (oadb-*), stream (oss-*), and bucket (oos-*) secrets may be omitted if using the automated service broker approach.

  2. Optional: If an Object Storage bucket is provisioned, you can configure the api environment to use the object URL prefix in myvalues.yaml:

        mediaUrl: # https://objectstorage.[REGION][NAMESPACE]/b/[BUCKET_NAME]/o/
  3. Optional: If you configured the Email Delivery, API gateway and the function, add the following snippet to your myvalues.yaml file:

        mediaUrl: # ...
        newsletterSubscribeUrl: https://[API_GATEWAY_URL]


  1. Install the mushop application helm chart using the myvalues.yaml created above:

    • OPTION 1: With cloud services provisioned manually:

      helm install ./mushop \
        --name mushop \
        --namespace mushop \
        --values myvalues.yaml
      helm install mushop ./mushop \
        --namespace mushop \
        --values myvalues.yaml
    • OPTION 2: When using OCI Service Broker (provision chart):

      helm install ./mushop \
        --name mushop \
        --namespace mushop \
        --set global.osb.atp=true \
        --set global.osb.oss=true \
        --set global.osb.objectstorage=true \
        --values myvalues.yaml
      helm install mushop ./mushop \
        --namespace mushop \
        --set global.osb.atp=true \
        --set global.osb.oss=true \
        --set global.osb.objectstorage=true \
        --values myvalues.yaml
  2. Wait for deployment pods to be RUNNING and init pods to show COMPLETED:

    kubectl get pods --namespace mushop --watch
    NAME                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    mushop-api-769c4d9fd8-hp7mc           1/1     Running     0          31s
    mushop-assets-dd5756599-pxngg         1/1     Running     0          33s
    mushop-assets-deploy-1-n2bk6          0/1     Completed   0          33s
    mushop-carts-6f5db9565f-4w65t         1/1     Running     0          33s
    mushop-carts-init-1-dcs82             0/1     Completed   0          33s
    mushop-catalogue-76977479fd-thdq4     1/1     Running     0          32s
    mushop-catalogue-init-1-twx9x         0/1     Completed   0          33s
    mushop-edge-648c989cd4-6g9dk          1/1     Running     0          32s
    mushop-events-569f4744c9-l7pqt        1/1     Running     0          30s
    mushop-fulfillment-85489cd99b-lzwqp   1/1     Running     0          30s
    mushop-nats-84dc5db659-7rpbl          1/1     Running     0          32s
    mushop-orders-6dcc7bbbb6-658tq        1/1     Running     0          33s
    mushop-orders-init-1-tm8ls            0/1     Completed   0          33s
    mushop-payment-c7dccd8cc-t9wmj        1/1     Running     0          33s
    mushop-session-5ff4c9557f-dmbq8       1/1     Running     0          33s
    mushop-storefront-8656597656-lgdlk    1/1     Running     0          33s
    mushop-user-54f4978d68-qhr7n          0/1     Running     0          31s
    mushop-user-init-1-8k62c              0/1     Completed   0          33s

    Note: if you installed Istio service mesh, you should see 2/2 in the READY column and 1/2 for the init pods and the assets deploy pod. The reason you see 2/2 is because Istio injects a sidecar proxy container into each pod.

  3. Open a browser with the EXTERNAL-IP created during setup, OR port-forward directly to the edge service resource:

    kubectl port-forward \
      --namespace mushop \
      svc/edge 8000:80

    Using port-forward connecting localhost:8000 to the edge service

    kubectl get svc mushop-utils-ingress-nginx-controller \
      --namespace mushop-utilities

    Locating EXTERNAL-IP for Ingress Controller. NOTE this will be localhost on local clusters.

    kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway \
      --namespace istio-system

    Locating EXTERNAL-IP for Istio Ingress Gateway. NOTE this will be localhost on local clusters.